April 2nd 2024




v0.8.2: Updated Results Page and Scan Logs

New Features and Improvements

Results Page

  • Results are now grouped by matched templates, vulnerable assets, and related meta information for better organization.

  • Bulk status updates and result deletion can be performed directly from the results page for increased efficiency.

  • Vulnerabilities are uniquely filtered across all scans to eliminate duplicates.

  • Detailed vulnerability information can be accessed within the table of vulnerabilities using the side view.

    Note: This is the initial iteration of these changes, and further improvements, such as sorting features, advanced filtering, and search functionality, will be added in the coming weeks. We appreciate your feedback and ideas to enhance the user experience.

Scan Logs

  • Scan Logs, our newest feature has been introduced to support browsing logs of individual scans. This includes details on template matches against a given asset and any encountered errors during test execution.

  • Logs can be easily navigated for each scan to verify template matches.

  • Advanced filtering options are available to filter scan logs by host, template, and result status for targeted analysis.

Scheduling Enhancements

  • Custom scheduling allows users to set specific times, days, or intervals (in days) for their scans.

  • Hourly scans can now be automated by defining a set number of hours interval for scan repetition.

API Updates

  • New APIs have been added for viewing and modifying existing scan configurations, including templates, assets, and configurations. These features will soon be available as UI updates in the platform.

  • A new result filter API has been introduced for efficiently filtering new results and assets from enumeration.

Template Leaderboard

We have enabled the live leaderboard for the public template contributors. Browse here.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Resolved an issue that prevented team members from viewing the team workspace.

  • Fixed a bug related to template variable inputs on the scan configuration page.

  • Improved settings page.

  • Improved login and invitation experience.

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